Epic glowing sculpture - Student Housing Australia

Epic glowing sculpture

The Knot

Taking centre-stage at Fed Square this winter is a bold, large-scale, immersive artwork from French artist Cyril Lancelin – The Knot.

The Knot is based on a knitting node or trefoil knot, with several nodes juxtaposed and connected by a continuous line. The immersive installation is designed to both fill a space and divide it into different sections, becoming a maze of passages that invite you to bend down, step over, and weave through to get around.

As you experience this artwork, you also become part of it as your movements diverge and intersect with those of others.

Each evening The Knot will be illuminated as it lights up our chilly winter nights.

Become delightfully entangled in The Knot!

Explore Fed Square’s Frenchy Weekends in August and September and celebrate all things French!

If you would like more information, head over to the official What’s On Website where we sourced this information from: